Tuesday, September 4, 2012


After a long long time I have got a job, not only one job but two jobs. I appeared for weavers' studio (Kolkata) and one more in Jaipur. I got job offers from both. Now I have to decide where to go.

But actually I wanted to stay in Delhi. I did not want to move. I appeared for FDDI, Noida and if selected I would have joined Kolkata branch. I was delightfully ready for that shifting. I was waiting for the result. But unfortunately they did not select me on the basis of that I do not have prior teaching experience. In this case I was only unfortunate because they have selected many people and they did not have any teaching experience  either.

So, I have two in my hand and have to decide what to chose.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Getting Up

Feeling as if I was going through a dream, a bad dream. I was kinda sleepwalking through all the months. I got something which has put life back in me. I am revived. I have got up after a long sleep. I have got up and trying to recognize things around me, I have got up from a deep hibernation and trying to adjust myself to the new situation. I am taking charge of me, my world slowly. I am coming to action from inaction.